Get to know me
​As a curious and driven data analyst, I enjoy finding the problems and working on projects to resolve them with a holistic approach. I am especially enthusiastic about exploring users' interactions with the services in order to anticipate behavioral patterns, especially through numeric and text processing. With my background in communication, I have developed a voracious interest in using data to tell a compelling and convincing story to my audience, regardless of their background knowledge. This intrinsic drive has motivated me to experiment with many different NLP libraries and problems.
My selected projects demonstrate my capability to work with Data Visualization, Machine Learning, NLP, Web Scraping. I strive to constantly challenge myself to explore different concepts and find new approaches through those projects.
Besides, I have a keen eye for good design and am passionate about project management. I believe the medium is as important as the messages, which explains my emphasis on the presentation of my works.
However, there is always something that you are looking for that has not been mentioned above. Please get in touch so we can discuss your needs and my fits.